If your income is so small you can barely survive, this is what you will do. Start small. Yes, start small. I know you have been waiting for a magical formula that will save you millions. There is nothing like that. It is that simple yet hard. The weekly or monthly amount you save however small does not matter as long as it is consistently maintained. One of the mistakes people make about savings is that if the money is not significant enough, they will not save. This means that they will have to wait till they start earning so well to make room for that significant money. The biggest problem with this is that you never know when you will start earning enough. Years can be wasted without saving anything. Savings can be likened to a drop of water. No matter how small it drips, it has the ability to fill a bucket giving time. So is savings. Even if it is five hundred or one thousand naira you can be able to squeeze out, be diligent with it. Soon enough you will have a reasonable ...
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