“Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men” (Ephesians 4:8).
Notice that Paul said, “…he led captivity captive…” not, “he led captors captive.” Captivity here refers to the power, authority and activities of the captors. Their right and power to hold man in captivity was taken captive; that right was seized by Jesus! He took it from Satan and his cohorts; they don’t have it anymore; so “captivity” has been held captive!
Today, no one should be legally held captive by Satan, sickness or disease; all you have to do is announce your freedom. This is why Paul, in the city of Lystra, could say to a man who was impotent in his feet, and had never walked from birth, “Sir, stand up!” Paul didn’t even have to pray for him. Paul’s audacity of faith resulted from his knowledge that “captivity” had been held captive.
The power to hold men captive has been seized by Jesus Christ. Thus, live free from sickness, disease, poverty, failure or anything connected to Satan and his cohorts today. Hallelujah!
All you have to do is click on the link below to say the prayer of Salvation and mean it with all of your heart; and God will hear you.
Then click on the Congratulations E card to download you Special Gift from Christ Embassy.Org Online Missions. God bless you
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