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You know, it’s one thing to know how to read your Bible, pray every day and go to church when you should, but it’s another thing to live a victorious life. It’s one thing to be militant in your spirit but another thing entirely to understand the battle and be victorious in it. When you say, “The battle is the Lord’s,” there’s a lot more to it than that. It’s the Lord’s battle alright, but He calls you His battle axe and weapons of war (Jeremiah 51:20). In Jericho, God didn’t command us to stand still. We don’t stand still; the generation that stood still has died. Moses said to that generation, “Hey, stand still and see the salvation of God” (Exodus 14:13) – because they had the slave mentality – but remember, God’s response was an urgent “Go forward!” Now, this is not the generation with the slave mentality; this new generation has the warrior mentality. We’re God’s gladiators, and He continually urges us to go forward and launch the offensive against the enemy. In this new generation, not only are we militant in our spirits, we also never take ‘No’ for an answer or back down for the devil or give anything up to him. When you get to this point you, won’t say, “The battle is the Lord’s” and fold your hands. You are His battle-axe and weapons of war! He’s carrying out His acts through you. You ought to pray with understanding. Now, there’s a difference between praying with understanding and praying with the understanding. Praying with the understanding means praying through your mind in a language that you understand. Praying with understanding, however, means that even though you may not be praying in the language you understand, you understand and are applying the principles of prayer; you know who you are and who God is. You understand that you’re praying as a joint heir with Christ; that means you’re praying with reverence and with faith, through the Word of God. That’s what it means to pray with understanding. Some people pray without understanding, so when they talk to God, He doesn’t hear them and they get no results. You’ve got to manifestly understand who you are and who God is, and that without faith you cannot please Him. Without the principles of God’s Word in operation, your prayers are empty, even when you’re praying in other tongues. Pray with your spirit open for God to hear you, and you to hear Him. That’s the fellowship of the Spirit – you’re talking to God and He’s talking to you. It’s not a one-way communication. You’re pouring your heart out to Him and He’s pouring His heart to you. That’s fellowship, and when you fellowship with God this way through His Spirit, you’re filled with wisdom and with the Word of God and you become an effective soldier in the Kingdom of God. Remember! As a believer you become a fighter. You start talking differently. You start talking about taking cities, nations and the world. You’re totally different now, your life has changed. You have arrived in the place of warfare. Even your intercessory prayers have changed. Now you speak words of power; fire comes out of your mouth and you’re conquering cities and nations for Jesus Christ.


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