But that which ye have already hold fast till I come (Revelation 2:25).
The Lord won’t ask you to hold fast to that which you’ve received if there wasn’t the possibility of losing it. For instance, people lose their healing; they receive healing from God and after sometime, maybe due to carelessness or not walking in the Word, they lose the healing. So, as a Christian, it’s important you stay in the Word. The Word of God is your life, and every day presents opportunities for you to live-out the Word; to keep the faith and maintain your confession of who Jesus is and all He means to you.
Nothing should ever make you take your gaze and focus off the Master; He’s all that truly matters. Protect your love for Him, and your passion for the Gospel. Love the Lord selflessly, with an undying passion. Refuse to allow anger or bitterness douse your zeal, fervency, and effectiveness in ministering to others. Hebrews 12:15 says, “Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.”
Imagine a Christian who was fervently involved in soul-winning, and suddenly stopped winning souls; became cold about the things of God, because someone offended him. All the while he was winning souls and establishing the kingdom of heaven everywhere, there was a crown of righteousness awaiting him; but because he stopped, he’ll lose it; someone else is going to get it.
Don’t let anything quench your love and passion for the Lord. To see someone else doing what the Lord had told you to do which you didn’t do, is one of the deepest pains in life. When God called Saul to be king of Israel, He promised him an eternal dynasty, but he lost it, and David got it. Don’t take the privilege of your service to God for granted. In Luke 19:40 (MSG), He said, “...If they kept quiet, the stones would do it for them, shouting praise.”
Whatever He’s deposited in you, whatever responsibility He’s given you, hold fast to it, for the end of all things is near. The Word of His grace and His salvation has been communicated to you. You’ve been endowed with the ability and grace to lead people to Christ, unveiling to them the mysteries of the Kingdom; keep at it; there’s a crown of glory waiting for you at the end.
The Lord won’t ask you to hold fast to that which you’ve received if there wasn’t the possibility of losing it. For instance, people lose their healing; they receive healing from God and after sometime, maybe due to carelessness or not walking in the Word, they lose the healing. So, as a Christian, it’s important you stay in the Word. The Word of God is your life, and every day presents opportunities for you to live-out the Word; to keep the faith and maintain your confession of who Jesus is and all He means to you.
Nothing should ever make you take your gaze and focus off the Master; He’s all that truly matters. Protect your love for Him, and your passion for the Gospel. Love the Lord selflessly, with an undying passion. Refuse to allow anger or bitterness douse your zeal, fervency, and effectiveness in ministering to others. Hebrews 12:15 says, “Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.”
Imagine a Christian who was fervently involved in soul-winning, and suddenly stopped winning souls; became cold about the things of God, because someone offended him. All the while he was winning souls and establishing the kingdom of heaven everywhere, there was a crown of righteousness awaiting him; but because he stopped, he’ll lose it; someone else is going to get it.
Don’t let anything quench your love and passion for the Lord. To see someone else doing what the Lord had told you to do which you didn’t do, is one of the deepest pains in life. When God called Saul to be king of Israel, He promised him an eternal dynasty, but he lost it, and David got it. Don’t take the privilege of your service to God for granted. In Luke 19:40 (MSG), He said, “...If they kept quiet, the stones would do it for them, shouting praise.”
Whatever He’s deposited in you, whatever responsibility He’s given you, hold fast to it, for the end of all things is near. The Word of His grace and His salvation has been communicated to you. You’ve been endowed with the ability and grace to lead people to Christ, unveiling to them the mysteries of the Kingdom; keep at it; there’s a crown of glory waiting for you at the end.
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